5 Things That Make You The Best Candidate For Dental Implants

Upset about having a missing tooth? You are not alone. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, more than 120 million American people have at least one missing tooth. Dental implants are one of the most recommended tooth replacement options owing to their superior qualities like incredible esthetics and enhanced function. Having said that, you should also realize that not everyone can be a suitable candidate for this sophisticated procedure.

Here are 5 things that will tell you whether you are the best candidate for dental implants.

Healthy and strong gums

A strong building stands on a rock-solid foundation. Similarly, dental implants need support from healthy and strong gums. If you have gum disease like gingivitis (inflammation of gums) or periodontitis (serious gum disease that causes gum inflammation and loss of supporting bone), the chances of implant failure are high.

Adequate bone density

Before planning the placement of dental implants, your implantologist will evaluate the jawbone density. Sufficient bone is required to keep the dental implants well-protected and intact and anchor them firmly. If there is inadequate bone then your dentist will suggest you undergo other procedures like bone augmentation before proceeding with the actual insertion of the implants.

Good oral health and optimum oral hygiene

If you follow a good oral hygiene regimen diligently, you can consider yourself an ideal candidate for this procedure. Your mouth should be free from any dental or gum infection if you are considering dental implants as your preferred tooth replacement option. Even after the placement, you should maintain good oral health by following hygiene measures like brushing twice and flossing once a day, visiting a dentist once annually, and getting professional cleaning done once every six months.

Non-tobacco user

If you smoke or chew tobacco, you must quit it before your dental implants are surgically placed within your jawbone. Smoking does not allow the smooth healing of the mouth after implant placement. Incomplete healing can diminish the chances of dental implant success. Smoking cessation is one of the most essential steps to keep your gums, teeth, and implants in good shape.

No signs of habitual clenching or grinding of teeth

If you have bruxism, dental implants may not be the best tooth replacement solution for you. A person with bruxism clenches and grinds his/her teeth unknowingly. This habit can put undue pressure on dental implants leading to the incomplete attachment to the jawbone.

The Final Note

This type of procedure are growing in popularity due to increased comfort and enhanced esthetics. If you have healthy gums, sufficient bone density, great oral health, and no deleterious habits like smoking or bruxism, you can consider yourself to be the best candidate for dental implants. Those of you who lack one or more signs need not be discouraged at all. Remember, only your dentist can tell you if a treatment procedure is ideal for you or not. At Cancun Dental Care, our dental experts will evaluate your oral condition and recommend the treatment plan that suits all your dental needs.